This is a visual archive of works by Jeremie Rose.

THE FESTIVAL OF URGENT REINVENTIONS, FW 2022Graphics, Web Design, Motion Art Direction. [Collaborators: Orland Longlight]

ATTIA TAYLOR - SPACE GHOST LP, SP 2022. Graphics, Packaging.

SOUND INSTALLATION SP 2020, Unchosen Identity.

EXTRA HOURS SP 2021, Identity and Web Design. [Collaborators: Bronze Avery]

WOMANLY MAGAZINE 2019-2022, Editorial Design. [Collaborators: Hannah Candelaria]

BLACK QUANTUM FUTURISM AT ART BASEL FW 2019, Lettering and Shirt Design.

FOR EVER GARDEN SP 2021. [Collaborators: Tori Baxter]

MOVEMENT AND MEDICINE SP 2021, Logo and Identity.

THE DOROTHY FW 2021, Logo Design.

RADICAL WOMXN SU 2020, Logo and Identity.